
Welcome to the Balsam Blog, home in the internet world of the Falkland Islands Protected Areas Project.

I'll be using this blog to let people know what I've been up to and to share bits of useful information I pick up along the way. My project is subtitled 'Co-operative management of biological diversity', so that means you. The project will need your knowledge, concerns and hopes for the future to drive it along, so do contribute.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Welcome to the Balsam Blog, home in the internet world of the Falkland Islands Protected Areas Project.

I'll be using this blog to let people know what I've been up to and to share bits of useful information I pick up along the way. My project is subtitled 'Co-operative management of biological diversity', so that means you. The project will need your knowledge, concerns and hopes for the future to drive it along, so do contribute. I'll be moderating comments to weed out spam, but apart from that, any suggestions or comments will be most welcome.


  1. Hello!
    Just found your blog via FB. I have been to the Falklands a couple of times and find the flora amazing. (I did an M.Sc. in Ecology, research on montane flora so like anything small and compact!) Looking forward to many more posts.
    Biological Mapping Officer with Essex Wildlife Trust, and have a passion for Falklands wildlife!

  2. Thanks Kat. More on the little plants later, I hope, as the botanists tell me more about what is out there
